Sunday, October 21, 2007

Rainbow River is running low this year, and that big fish is a slippery bugger

This semester is wearing on me. I pretty much despise half my classes. Let's attack each of these pseudo-educational classes individually, shall we?

Mathematics 101: This class is essentially a dumbed down version of grade seven mathematics -- and yet, some in the class malfunction and thus look silly. My teacher -- who incessantly jabbers about her new lover Bruno and her punk kids -- dares to call me out in class: "Bryan, I don't see any light bulbs going off in your head; you probably know all this don't you? Why don't you teach the class -- here's the chalk." Despite The Libertines and Cat Stevens efforts telling me not be shy and Floyd telling me to stick it to the man, I become somewhat of a recreant and say nothing, but direct a "screw you" stare at her. All I do in this class is doodle, while my confrere Reuben chows on a burger and completes his physics homework -- "real math". By the way, there is no homework is math 101 save writing in our journals regarding the "cool" aspects of mathematics.

Environmental Science: Carbon cycle? Phosphorus cycle? Convoluted labs where I roam about like a beatnik -- extremely confounded and despaired -- and yet pull off an eighty percent? Yee. Seriously though, this class has no benefit save Redeemer's ability to claim of producing well-rounded students.

Political Science: The biggest let down of the year. We learn some nuanced definition of a nation and then the teacher asks: is Canada a nation? -- and half the class neglects to raise their hands, figuring, "No, I do not believe I live in nation -- merely Canada". You nebbish folks! Sickening.

I should mention that my other three classes are rather pleasant, but I see no reason to dwell on good things.

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Canada is not a nation; it's America's hat.