Thursday, October 18, 2007

Life has been this low, since I don't know when, since I don't know when

I previously forgot to give a screw-you-shout-out to Voxtrot for canceling their show -- and so I'll take the opportunity afforded to me here: screw you Voxtrot -- I hate you.

In other news I read this on my grand confreres Emil Svanängens' website: "for the moment i am looking for a bass clarinet and a double bass. ps. i might even make an album soon, need time and space." I promptly purchased a bass clarinet today and will practice twelve hours-a-day in a dreamy hope that Emil will bring me on board and we'll play mellifluous shows all around the world whilst eating Swedish meatballs, mingling with Mats Sundin, and fetching Swedish femmes with golden hair and eyes with the bluest of hues.

If you don't like Loney, dear then you are a cold unfeeling robot.


Kowalski said...

by swedish know you just said that you wanted to go hunting for guys ...aka ass-mining

i'm disturbed

Belmondo Cafe said...

The best known stallion in pop-culture is "The Black Stallion", which is one toothsome dame, but perhaps -- yass, yass; stallion is too masculine of a word to describe a chick.

Ashley said...

SoundRabbit has a tune called "Emil".
It's gnarly.
Like everything that SoundRabbit has ever produced.