Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Loneys, five hours until second tryout

The original aspiration to become a Redeemer hockey hero has fizzled for the following reasons: I have no endurance; I've lost skating ability like nothing else; my once booming shot is now merely average; and I am pathetically weak. Regardless of these salient anti-attributes, I will likely attend the second tryout. Once again the following thoughts may run through my head as I struggle to simply perform a figure eight around a dot (each phrase is presupposed with a "loneys"): "Everything feels so heavy and burns ever so painfully; cut me now; my soft and inaccurate shot is akin to Nazi soldiers; I am getting beat as morbidly as a Nazi soldier", and so on. This may sound like a no gooder situation -- and it is -- but I am not overly concerned about my whilom abilities. Side note: Whilom is the word of the day.

Some of my classes are offering some intrigue, which is a pleasant. Further optimism: We have solidified a ball hockey team for intermurals.


Life is cold; but not hypothermia cold. No, no, I am content for the moment.


Kowalski said...

nazi soldiers were anything but soft and inaccurate... you obviously have not heard of the BLITZKRIEG?!?!!
you were also meant for the stage and not the rink

Belmondo Cafe said...

Many German hordes were ill-equipped, my daffy follower.
Deft Decemberists reference, confrere.

Ashley said...

Speaking of which, that guy in the Decemberists has the same birthday as me

Belmondo Cafe said...

Colin and I are old compadres. Perhaps I could arrange a dual party.