Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Ripe, almost rotten

The other day I was attempting to set-up Mouse Trap with a bunch of younglings. They were setting this puppy up far more efficiently than your anti-hero and so I remarked, "Wow, you guys are much better at setting this up than I." And one younglings responded: "That's because we're kids; we're good at setting up games". In this moment, I realized I am no longer a child.

In an unrelated announcement, I am using an agenda for the first time since grade seven. The madness of my life was paving way to a coup d'état against myself. This movement towards organization should deter the rising internal forces from conquering me. However, this whole organization business has illuminated me to the oncoming pestilence that may sink my rowboat anyway.
*Warning horn*
The nadir of the semester (and likely life) is coming. Work now, or embrace the plague and the woes that accompany it.
Frig! I even forgot to mention that I must find summer schooling now! Oh!


Steve Harris said...

Summer schooling? Pourquoi? And yes, you are frigging old.

Belmondo Cafe said...

Ah, Zeut! Do not rub age into an old man's wrinkly face.
I need to speed up the process of graduation because I abominate education more than Caramel Macchiatos.