Friday, July 3, 2009

She Hangs Brightly

She was gone away and now she is gone here. Once thought the slight waif, the ethereal voice, had slipped into a warmer world, softer hues and shyer people, rising to butterfly mornings and absorbing silver afternoons... not genuinely otherworldly, you understand... but spirited away to a green meadow in among the blood orange trees: her imaginarium as penetrative lights revealed her to a black mass of frightening admirers... now... telling of a life floating, sometimes violently, Through the Devil Softly, singing perfume once the lights are dim enough... waiting to stand coldly, licking her dry lips drier and consciously emitting a tortured meeeeeeeeeeow to a new generation of rot.


Mathieu Delarue said...

The sun, Hope, is rising. Its long beams shall strike obliquely through the grass. Under the trees I shall recline with THE DEVIL... under the trees the green will stay young and tender, a hollow of sleep in the morning's flank.

Anonymous said...

"she hangs...dead"

Anonymous said...

book me!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Alice I. W. said...

'a new generation of rot' sits well with me.

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.