Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Turtle Island

I /finally/ completed reading /The Portrait of a Lady/. It took me some time; but pet grief! Henry painted so very much! Mind you I read a plurality of books at once. The aforementioned title is much more epic and conventional from what I usually acquaint myself with. I /almost/ desire to engage in conversation with another in regards to the novel (only with a fellow daffy dreamer, however) but I'm quite content to keep Isabel Archer to myself for now. I really have no time for conversation as I must pound through another six or seven books and beat out four essays within a month and a half.

To pay homage to web design wonder DH, I have created a Twitter account. I really cannot grasp the full functionality and entire purpose of Twitter, but apparently it's worth looking into. As far as I can see, it's just a manifold of follow-the-leader games. And there always appears to be too many "tweets" about the site. And I don't like the epithet "tweet" either. Anywhoers follow me.


Kowalski said...

not convinced by the flavours on dale's sweet site tho!
good one dale!

Belmondo Cafe said...

Can't get no following.